Everything You Need To Know About Uterine Fibroid Treatment
A woman with uterine fibroids does not need treatment unless it causes pain or any problems. Not all fibroids grown and even large ones may not originate any symptoms. Most of the fibroid shrink after menopause as well. However, a woman with fibroid must consult a doctor and should check on their growth regularly. Moreover, if she develops symptoms like bleeding and pain, she should get her pelvic examination at least once a year. Uterine fibroid treatment can not be done on your own. However, you can do things that can make you feel better. When fibroids grow on the outside of the uterus, a mass on the abdomen can be noticed and you can place a hot pack or hot water bottle on the lower belly to ease the pain. This needs to be done several times a day. To ease the pain, you can take pain relievers and make sure that you follow all instructions that are mentioned on the label so that you take the optimum dose of the medicine. Moreover, after consulting a doctor you ca...